Am I the B****?


My friend was in a toxic, abusive relationship. Long story short shes going to court to try and make sure he cant sue for custody of the child she is pregnant with bcuz hes abusive.

I cant make her court date so I wrote a statement for her to take to a lawyer to try and take her case. The lawyer took her case and shed now saying she might subpoena me and require me to go to the court date.

I told her to do what she has to do but I dont want to talk about it because I'm trying to have a stress free day. I'm almost 29 weeks pregnant and recently told I have Gestational Diabetes and Hemorrhoids. I was in the OB triage the last 2 days and I just need to relax for the sake of my baby.

I also have an open investigation at work for discrimination which is why I can't "just call out" like she wants.

Now shes mad at me for "choosing work" over her when I strictly explained everything about my work issues and health issues.

So am I at fault here? For putting my baby and my own health first?

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