Everyone says I tricked him?

I’m Newley 17 I got pregnant a few months back I wanted a baby very badly and my boyfriend knew it he is 18 almost 19 I did not lie to him about being on any form of birth control nor poke holes in any condoms etc I was honest with him and told him I wanted a baby we had unprotected sex for 7 months no pull out method nothing I’d even say things like “let’s make a baby” he would say “ok come on then” my point is he was WELL AWARE and yet I’ve had so many women judge me and say i tricked him and I should be in trouble legally for it? I don’t see how what I did was tricking him we’ve been together 4 years I didn’t just use him for a baby or anything I just felt as if I was ready and wanted that with him and he never said he didn’t want that he didn’t seem to care if I got pregnant.