Hpv please help

Don’t know how long I’ve had it. My doctor told me I forgot to do a pap in 2018. I wasn’t scared but they aren’t putting me down for the biopsy. I’m not that great with the thought of them taking a piece of my cervix! I’m going to a new clinic as my referral said, Monday and now I’m feeling scared af.

I’m single. But will be telling my last two partners I have it I was with one person from 2015-2018 then from 2005-2013 with my ex. They say it may be dormant for years so I’m not sure who could have given it to me. I know it’s more common then we think. This feeling suck. I’m taking a Xanax on Monday and I’m stocking up on immune boosting vitamins.

Anything else I need to be better prepared for this intimidating journey tia