Addrrr • 👼🏻👶🏻👼🏻. Trying for baby #2

I miscarried at 6 weeks, would’ve been around June 28sih. On July 19 I took the pill to flush everything out. Came back three days later for ultrasound and it was clean besides some leftover hanging at tip of cervix that dr cleaned out. Everything was fine. Had sex two weeks ago about 2-3 times. Last week I had bright pink spotting when I wiped, nothing until next day when i had just some brown spotting when I wiped. Last night I woke up with some pelvic pain passed out. Little quesy this morning. Dr gave me pregnancy test and it was positive. HCG was at a 22. Have to wait 2 days to see if levels change. Dr thinks I’m pregnant but hard to tell based on all that happened. Thoughts?? Gonna fo crazy waiting.