

I needed a group like this when I lost my baby ... I got married 10 months ago and I had never been with anyone, my husband was my first . , we never usted protection and baaam 1 month after we got married I took a test and to my surprise it was positive ... my husband and I had so many dreams and we would always go to baby stores and look at the things we would buy our little baby ... when I when to my doctors appt he said everything looked fine and I went home , two days later in the middle of the night I had 3 little drops of red blood on my pee .. a week later I lost my baby 😭.. I did everything in my power to keep my baby and it felt like I had failed , I was the one that needed to protect my baby and I failed , I was soo sad , angry , soo many emotions , it felt like I would never feel good again ... everyone look at me like I was broker and they were afraid I would loose total control , but let me tell you something it’s been 9 months since I lost my baby it has been a battle every day , I still have questions and to why me and not someone else ... but guess what I found love and peace in God , I have never felt this way before I know that one day I’ll see my beautiful baby and I’ll get to hold and kiss 😚, if you’re going thru this let me tell you something it gets betters , it’s not ur fault and I don’t know why God Chose to take ur baby as well , but what I do know is that he has a purpose for everything!!!! And as hard as it seems you will be okay , you will smile and laugh, it’s okay if you cry one in a while just remember to get up and keep on being strong ❤️🙏🏻 God loves you !!! God bless you !!