8-10 month sleep regression??

Jolanta • Expecting our little #1, happily married 😊

My little guy went from waking only once (sometimes even sleeping through the night) for months and then two weeks ago his bottom teeth came in and it all went out the window. I was patient with him thinking he was just teething but the bottom two have broke through two weeks ago and he is now worse than ever when it comes to sleeping. I looked it up and apparently there is another sleep regression that hits anywhere from 8-10 months. This one has to do with them gaining new motor skills and having a hard time settling down and always wanted to be on the move and also a lot of brain development going on right now as well (separation anxiety as well as developmental leaps). I’m now starting to realize the every 2-3 hr wakings are definitely the sleep regression bc now if he wakes up at night he immediately pulls himself up in this crib to stand and then just stays there crying until I get him. It leaves no chance for him to fall back asleep if he is stuck standing. I’m so exhausted and really thought the waking every 2-3 hrs was way behind us. I’m lost with what I can do. Anyone else going through this?