Rainbow baby


Lost my first pregnancy VERY early last month. Wasn’t trying to conceive this month and really only had sex once. Took a random cheap Walmart pregnancy test (it was $.88) that I had sitting around, on a whim. Came back 10 minutes later to a positive line. Thought hmm, that’s weird I’ll test again the next day (Monday). Popped very very obvious positives at only three weeks. Here’s to praying this one sticks this time. My lines are much darker than the previous tests I took last pregnancy!

I asked my doctors for a blood draw just to make sure and the nurse told me I could just be having a delayed onset period so I needed to wait and that “stress” was causing me not to start my period. I work with anesthesia and radiology (vet tech) so I have to be sure so I can give medical notes to managers. Anyone else have difficulties asking for a blood draw and being turned away? I was really upset when she referred to it as stress causing my period not to start when I have obvious positive tests.