My sex drive is lower than ever maybe because of depression and stress etc..


I have an amazing boyfriend. He treats me like a queen, he’s attractive, communicates well and just loves me and I love him. We’ve been together for 2 years and for a while now I have not been in the mood to have sex. I do it for him. But our sex is pretty great and I almost always orgasm. I’ve been thinking about why I’m never in the mood and these are the things I think they are. I’ve suffered with depression from childhood and it’s never gone away no matter how many therapists I’ve talked to. Have gotten closer to God (Christian) but obviously we aren’t married but we plan on it so I do think about that at times. When we have sex back to back I’m sensitive so I get infections easily like BV. I hate dealing with it so I try not to have sex often but lately I haven’t been getting it but still not in the mood. All of this has never effected my sex life before though and it makes my bf feel like I’m not attracted to him. I explain all of these things to him and he understands but I feel bad. Like why is she not working. I’m 29. I used to be spontaneous and down but idk what’s changed. I don’t get horny and it takes a while to get me going but like I said when we do it it’s great. I should be happy my man wants me all the time and he feels like I don’t want him. I’m even beyond physically attracted, I am mentally too. I am tired a lot lately and I’ve really tried to get out of this.