Yeast maybe?

Im so confused. Idk what to do. Ive had yeast infections before so that’s why Im so confused as to what it is.

The other day I wanted to shave my vaginal area and usually I use summers <a href="">eve</a> to shave down there (not putting it inside my vagina). Well i ran out so i used my normal body wash (obviously a dumb idea and i wont be doing that again). Well since then ONLY my clitoris is itchy. It doesn’t burn or hurt to pee. No where else in my vaginal region itches, no strange discharge or odor. Only my clit. I feel fine otherwise. I dont want to have to go through a whole yeast treatment if that isnt what this is. Maybe just an irritation from the soap? Anyone have some insight to this cos its annoying. Im pregnant so pregnancy safe remedies or ideas pls