Slept 5 hours

Courtney • Had my beautiful daughter Aug 8th, 2019 ❤️

So I have a two week old daughter, she was really fussy last night like little spurts of crying over the course of two hours. Eventually she finally fell asleep and so we went to sleep too exhausted. That was around midnight and then she woke us up around 5-5:15 whining. We changed her and fed her. She ate 3 ounces like nothing and passed out again. I woke up at 6:30 because my fiancé had to leave for work and she was still sleeping. I brought her downstairs and she started to fuss about 7:30 but after changing her diaper and getting her clothes changed she only drink half an ounce and is passed out again. Is this normal? No fever or anything but maybe she just tired herself out last night?