Idk what to do 😓

My husband and i have been married for 2 years, we got pregnant by accident but we were so excited because its his first baby (i already have 2) i am almost 2 months pregnant and things have bern ROUGH, constant fighting, yelling, i cant say anything without him getting defensive and ive been mentioning marriage counseling to help our marriage b4 the baby gets here and he says no, so today i give him an ultimatum, go to marriage counseling or get a divorce and right away he said divorce, 2 hours later he comes and says what am i gonna do, where am i gonna live, and asked if i want to go thru the pregnancy like uhhh wtf i NEVER said i didnt want to go thru w it, why would he bring that up 😭😥 , so now hes saying he doesnt want us to break up. Idk what to do 💔

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