I’m trying so hard...


I’m posting pics because I’m holding myself accountable for the fact that I need to change and put in the work if I want to look better and feel better. I am currently the heaviest I’ve ever been. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for almost 5 yrs and in this time, that’s what I focused on. I gained weight and I’ve for the most part, been happy. I knew I was gaining but my husband loves me how I am. We both don’t look how we did when we first started dating but I want to get back to feeling fit and feeling confident. I started on Sunday. I went for a walk/run, Monday I did some exercises at home in the basement, yesterday I initially was only going to go for a walk but I came across these bleachers by my house..... so I decided to run up those... I could only do it 5 times but it’s a start. Today I walked over there again and did 60 squats up these bastards! I’m already struggling to walk. Here are the steps and then the pics of me- mind my face.... I was so hot when I came home and took these pics....

Behold... the stairs of hell....

And here I am. Looking forward to how my body is going to change. I’m ready to put in the work.

My goal is to buy a pair of white Levi jeans. :)

Wish me luck!