She won't say mama

Tori • Mommy to👶🏻❤ baby girl 03/30/2018, baby girl 12/31/2019

My daughter is 16 months old and i am a stay at home mom. All she says is dada, baby, no, and her new favorite word is Tori(which is my first name). I know she knows Tori means me. She will look me in the eyes and go Tori. Or call for me saying Tori. if i sing to her she goes Tori Tori. But the only time she has said mama is when she is really really pissed off.

Its to the point where everyone tells me she must love daddy more. My 4 year old nephew even said "no she loves dada more thats why she doesnt say mama" like come on people! My mother in law goes she obviously likes Donnie better. She always wants to go to him. Like im really annoyed. Just say mama! I say mama so many times a day sometimes i forget my name is actually tori. Ive asked my husband to only call me mama now 😂 so maybe she willnpick up on it. If i tell her to say mama she looks at me a sneaky and says dada or Tori

Help???? Does she not like me? How can i teach her my name is mama?