Exclusively breastfeeding and work

Jennifer • 8.28.19 🤍 EDD 3.10.22🤰🏼

Hi there!

I’m a first time mom, due in a week. I plan on exclusively breastfeeding my son. I really don’t want to introduce a bottle for as long as possible. But I have a bit of a situation.

I’m a photographer and have a 6 hour job 3-4 weeks after my son is born (depending on when he decides to make his appearance of course)

I’m second shooting a wedding so I will be able to take a break. I guess my question is how should this be dealt with?

Should I have my husband bring him by and just nurse him in my car? How will we know when to do that, and what if he wants to eat multiple times in the 6 your period and is just crying, crying, crying with my poor hubby?

Any suggestions on how you’d deal with this? I’m literally clueless because I’ve obviously never done it before.