I want to believe, but I feel like it may be too late...

I've always had a bit of a problem since I was about 6 with religion. It was heavily pushed on me by my step mom after I was taken from my real mom and since then I've always hated it. But now I'm married and have a son and find myself longing to go to church and participate but I keep getting the shit end of the stick in life it feels like. I feel like church people can be one of the most judgmental people ever (not saying its everyone but those I've encountered) but I still want to be apart of it. My husband and I have been ttc and it's not going well. I get judgment everywhere I go because we are younger than most families. I just have a hard time believing. I want to feel that calm and happy "everything will work out" feeling that I see all of you have when you talk about Him. But I'm really lost and feel a little too far gone.

Has anyone gotten into religion later in life when they were not all about it before?