Implantation bleeding


Hey everyone,

I did not track ovulation this cycle definitely had a strange cycle though. My CD 12 I had some pains left ovary that night I had spotting at night when I wiped after going to the bathroom a couple of days later same thing only spotting when I wiped at night. On the 19th it was CD 24 I thought I was starting my period. So I put it as day one. Well it was barely a pad but had some stringy clots and some clots that morning. Since then again nothing no spotting no show nothing not even discolored DC yesterday idk if it was from work and looking at screen too much but I was very nauseous I got home was still nauseous. My husband who never says this goes are you pregnant? I told him I don't know and went about what I was doing. Having pcos I never want to look too much into it because aunt Flow sneaks up. As I write this I'm getting lower back pains here and there which is not normal for me with my period coming. Please any advice helps 🤞🤞