Sexual Assault?

so i know people ask these questions a lot and i don’t know where my story falls.

I was in a relationship with my first boyfriend and all he did was beg and beg and beg for nudes and i would repeatedly say no and then he annoyed me so bad that i would give in and send nudes. i had to make a schedule for how many nudes i would send him a day, week, etc. and how many times he was allowed to ask.

Also, he was visiting down where i currently live and tried to finger me for the first time (something i was extremely afraid of at the time). it hurt so bad in a sharp pain sorta way and i told him to stop and he pulled his fingers out but then he said “let me try again” and came towards me. i was so afraid of hurting again that i squirmed away from him so fast. he kept trying to do it again and i was insisting on no. he then threw himself a pity party and fake cried over the situation.

In another situation, we were in the woods (don’t judge lmao) foreplaying because his mom wouldn’t even let us in his room with the door open and he kept begging me to let him fuck me. i held my ground and he never did but the begging was getting out of hand.

COMMENT BELOW.. is this sexual assault?