Denial and ex partner


I feel like this is more of a vent then anything....

I have a healthy 7 year old.

I have a forever 2 and half month old...

Im blessed my children come from the same dad other then he is an addict

Which I have nothing against anyone in recovery!

My "baby daddy" is in prison

For... Drugs and stealing maple trees.

It has been a hard 8 years. I have tried to accept my past. 6 months pregnant he left me for another women. I gave birth to our second son Feb. 11th.

April 25th my son passed to sids. I cannot stand the way he talks about our son that passed. As if we never created another child. How? Why? Does he ever think this is okay? I live to fucking remember that he lived! He was my son

I carried him for 9 months I gave birth to him. He lived god damn it. His big brother loved him. How dare continue to talk as if we have one child together