Do you think he cheated?

So... my bf let me go onto his Snapchat and just mess around on there a few months ago. And he told me I could do whatever I wanted, and I made the mistake of going through his texts with one of his female friends.

I never liked her. She was constantly trying to get his attention and at one point pushed me away from him so she could hug him and stuff. I just never trusted her talking to him and I felt this strange sensation to just look at their messages. (An honest mistake on my part, I know what I did was disrespectful to my bf.)

But anyways, when I went through their text messages, I saw her telling him about all of these guys she was having sex with and she was saying she’s basically addicted to sex. I don’t judge, and I don’t get mad at my bf for talking to girls and having them tell him about their lives. But this pissed me off.

And I got even more pissed off when I saw my boyfriend texting her saying that he’d have sex with her (and that it could never ruin their friendship because they’re already close), and was flirting with her. He was saying that she was absolutely beautiful and that any guy would be lucky to have her (and other things).

He even sent her a paragraph saying that back in October (which is when we started dating, mind you), he would go to football games and just wanted to kiss her sooooo badly but didn’t because she had a bf at the time.

I confronted him about all of this, and he said that he did it out of pity because he felt bad that her bf dumped her after 4 years of dating and shit. And I just don’t know what to do.

He flirted with her, told her he’d have sex with her, and this girl had the audacity to actually make fun of me while they talked and he didn’t once defend me.

So... do you think this is cheating at all? Maybe I’m overreacting about all of this but I genuinely don’t know what to feel.

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