Done with him 😕


Back story : me and my fiancé have known each other since we were 3/4 we grew up across the street from each other and now we’ve been together 3 years and have a one year old and I’m pregnant again and due in 7 weeks .. we live together in a two bed apartment but he’s the main occupant but I bought everything in the house or it came from family ..

LONG STORY SHORT .. he’s a stuck up arsehole and I’m done with his teenager like attitude . All he does is moan and complain about everything and anytime I ask him to do something he just mumbles petty shit under his breath and I honesl don’t know what to do anymore because I really just feel like I could walk away, I feel like I’d thrive ether and my mental health would be better ,. But I have know where to go and im scared to be a single mum to two children so young .. it would just be a hand full