Sleeping sitch


Okay so since she was a week old we’ve been bed sharing. I started it bc I was breastfeeding and it was easier. When I stopped breastfeeding we didn’t stop bed sharing. She is 10 weeks old now and I don’t want her in my bed. I hated breastfeeding and I hate sleeping with her. I’m tired of waking up every 15 minutes with an asleep shoulder and not being able to move. I love her to death but I cannot sleep hardly at all thinking about if she’s covered or if she’s too close to a pillow or if my husband is moving or if she’s moved blah blah blah. She sleeps 5-7 hours in bed with me so I imagine she’d sleep even longer alone. So I’ve been slowly trying to get her into her own space. She absolutely hates it. Which I expected. During the day she won’t let me put her down for shit and it’s exhausting and I DO NOT want one of those babies. Tonight I have her in her pack n play next to my bed. She was screaming and spitting out her pacifier and throwing her arms around. I didn’t pick her up bc I was trying to let her calm herself down. I just kept putting her pacifier back in. Finally I picked her up and swaddled her. That put her to sleep almost immediately. Does anyone have any other tips for me on moving her into her own space now that you know my situation? I can use all that I can get...