Contractions at 36 weeks


I am 36 weeks and 2 days pregnant. Last night i was awoken by horrible menstrual feeling cramps multiple times throughout the night and they kind of kept up all day so i decided to go in finally to see what was causimg this "cramping". They checked for a UTI and other infections and nothing but they did see that the cramping i was haveing was actually contractions as they picked up on the monitor and eventually they spaced out and i was sent home. I am 1CM dilated. This is my 3rd baby but i was induced with my other two so i have no idea what it feels like to go into "spontaneous labor". She did say that the DR asked if i lived close to the hospital. I asked her if it will be happeing soon (which is dumb of me to ask because noone really knows) and asked if i will even make it to my next OBGYN appointment this coming week and she said maybe i wont but shes not to sure.

I never got contractions starting at 36 weeks with my other two. My question is anyone experience this? Started to get contractions around this time? Did you have your baby soon after that or no? I feel like a nervous wreck with not knowing the unknown haha!