Me, my Best Friend, and her Boyfriend.

Recently, I have come into quite the predicament. I am a late teen, who has never had any romantic experience, who also has a friend with more romantic experience than anyone else I’ve met. I will always support her no matter the guy, and I will be honest with her when she asks for my opinions (even though she never takes them into consideration). But, her most recent conquest has created a barrier between her and I. I’ve haven’t met him, I know almost nothing about him, but I do know that he makes her fucking ecstatic. I have nothing against her happiness, and I don’t want her to be unhappy. My point is, she has recently started choosing him over me for almost everything. I have known her for about 5 years, I’ve watched her change from who she was before to who she is now, and I’m chosen second to a guy she has barely gotten to know until just recently. I’m flabbergasted. I’ve tried to put these conflicts away, thinking it’s just the honeymoon phase, they’ll move out of it, she’ll settle down, but no. Every time I talk to her, I hear his name, and I’m sick of it. I never get her texting me about how I’m doing or if I wanna hang out or just to have a basic conversation, but instead a bunch of pictures of her with no context whatsoever. Maybe I’m looking at this wrong, maybe I’m being dramatic, maybe it’s my old soul who doesn’t understand modern forms of hellos, but I honestly don’t know anymore.

It wasn’t until today that it really hit me. I called her because she said she could talk, as I was all prepared to tell her about my first week of school and to see how she’s doing with her work and the preparation for her senior year. Then, she tells me she can’t talk because he bf is coming and she already made plans with him and that she can call me later. Welp, it’s later and I don’t even get a text. I don’t know anymore. I don’t know if it’s me, or because she’s found someone new and doesn’t need me anymore, but I’m really feeling left out. I can’t tell her this either because she’ll tell me that I don’t understand, that she loves him and how she needs to spend quality time with him, but like, she does that already all the time. I don’t go to school with her anymore, I see her about 4-5 times a year because she never seems to want to hang out. I can’t deal with having her solely come to me when she’s feeling sad anymore, because I feel as though I have to stay emotionally sane in order to be able to be there. I’m confused. I’m just asking for an opinion. Thank you.