Late period or pregnant?

I really don’t know where to post this. Iv always wanted a baby since I was 18! Iv just turned 30 and my dh and me have been trying for the last 4 years. Last night while laying in bed I started thinking I don’t want to be pregnant?? Iv never thought this before.. obviously I still want a baby and family of our own. Going by my Fitbit I’m 2 days late but going by glow I’m due tomorrow? Has anyone gone through this before?

I haven’t been feeling myself the last week, feeling really tired and nauseous a few times too.. my cervix high and really wet. Which normally dries up after ovulation 🤷🏼‍♀️ im not sure if the sickness is related to my fibro tho.. I know most of you will say test. But after 4 years of trying I’m fed up of testing and getting negative...


And glow 🤷🏼‍♀️