My half sister part 23


4 weeks later


I smiled as I watched Sarah sleep the early morning light making her glow with golden light. Her eyes opened slowly and she gave me a dreamy smile.

"I love you." I whispered she smiled as I slowly trailed my fingers down her arms goosebumps popping up in their wake.

I frowned as a shrill beeping cut through the air, Sarah shifted slightly settling herself down the peaceful dreamy smile still on her face. The twisting sensation returned to my stomach and I struggled trying to wrap my arms around her as the dream faded around me. I growled as I woke up and rolled over grabbing the phone.

"what?" I snapped

"good afternoon to you too." Dylan said

"you just ruined a very good dream."

"it's 2pm why are you still in bed you lazy git."

"I'm a bar tender now this is my 5am." I said sitting up. The first morning of my new life I had awoken in my office, I had gathered up my stuff and just realised I had to go. I had walked to the train station and picked the first train heading to a big city and just went not thinking and refusing to listen to my heart that was screaming at me to stay with her. But I knew I couldn't dad wasn't going to let me near her anytime so I had to get away get some clarity.

I had arrived and found myself a non descript hotel for a week. a few days later I had to give up and go to hospital I came out with a cast on my broken wrist, my dad had broken my wrist and two of my ribs.

I had spent most of my time looking for an apartment and job, which I actually managed to find pretty easily. I had sat in the bar across the road from my hotel for a few days stealing WIFI or spreading my newspaper across the tables. Eventually my presence had gotten the attention of the bar owner and this turned into casual conversation. He eventually offered me a job not really a money maker just pocket money. But I needed to start somewhere. And I actually now lived above the bar. There was a two bedroom apartment, but the living room was now their stock room and the smaller bedroom was the office so basically I had a bedroom and use of the kitchen and bathroom but it was OK. My boss was a good guy working the bar was fine. It suited me right now an anonymous life I could just use while I didn't want to be me.

"I got the letter you sent me" dlan said interrupting my daydreaming,

" did you open it?"

"no. why'd you not just post it to her?"

"I don't think she'd get it look just try please."

"how am I sposed to get a letter to your fucking sister."

"I don't know think of something."

"yeah thanks I'll try that."

"please I need her to read that please just try."

"look i said I'd try and I will I just don't know if I'll be able to get it through. So what's in it.?"


"the letter what's your plan for getting your girl back? You can't be planning on staying there living in a stockroom above a bar."

"it suits me right now. So mind your own fucking Buisness and get that letter to my girl." he chuckled,

"mind your tone with someone you want to do you a favour." I hung up and pulled myself up padding across the room I pulled on a pair of jeans and t. Shirt as I walked over to my easel and looked at the blank canvas, and I began to paint. Feeling a strange sense of peace despite the big whole in my heart where Sarah should be I honestly felt happy.

Sorry for the short post. Hope your still enjoying the story and Thanks for all the comments ❤️