15 and pregnant


So about 2 days ago I found out I’m pregnant. I’m a sophomore in high school and I’m shocked and so overwhelmed. I’m about 6 weeks along. I have a doctors appointment set up and everything so medically I’m doing what I need to do. My parents know and my bf was there when I took the test and he’s very supportive and wants to be there for me and the baby. My dad is just jumping down my throat now telling me I can’t support a baby and I need to give it up for adoption. My bf will be 18 when the baby is born and he currently makes good money with a daily job. I just feel very upset and overwhelmed. I have very bad depression and anxiety and I had to stop taking my meds bc of the pregnancy. My dad won’t allow me to see my bf at the moment and he’s my only source of comfort. If anyone has any advice or just words of encouragement it would help out so much.