Motherhood. It's fucking hard. 😖


My mom messaged me the other day, that I should stop posting memes and posts about how difficult mom life is sometimes. She said I was going to scare my cousin into never having kids. (She's 30 and still has no children). I said, well she's gotta know. I don't get why we have to hide the realities od motherhood. Why we should always tell the mom to be "oh, it's such a beautiful experience" instead of saying "you're not going to sleep for the next few years and say goodbye to privacy". Mom's are always shamed for expressing how difficult it is and why? We're shamed for saying we need a break, a vacation, or a drink. We're told in replyance "well, you chose to have kids, so deal with it". Yes. I did choose to have kids. I love my kids more than anything, but chosing to have kids doesn't mean it gets easy. Like we got handed a manual as soon as we decided to have them and we became professional moms or something. Everyone tells you how wonderful it is but no one tells you how hard it is. The reality..and the reality is I haven't slept since I've given birth. My hair is up in a messy bun 24/7, I live in leggings, my shirts are messed with puke, pee or my leaking nipples. My house is a mess, I have no time to eat or shower or even pee. I have the biggest bags and darkest circles under my eyes not even makeup can help. I cry when I feel overwhelmed. I cry because I feel I won't be able to handle another datly being at home with a screaming toddler and a crying newborn..but I wake up the next day and do it all over again. Being a mom is the hardest thing you'll ever have to do. It's also the best thing you'll ever get to do. But we shouldn't be shamed for feeling like we're going to lose it. Or if our toddler is throwing a tantrum or if our house is a wreck. Or we don't have enough time in a day to pretty ourselves up for our husbands or to cook dinner. We're really doing our best. This is the truth about being a mom. I'm not going to hide it, because I'm not ashamed. Just because everything isn't perfect doesn't mean I'm doing it wrong. We're all learning each day that goes by that being a mom is fucking hard.