Broken relationship


So this is going to be a long post as I feel some background is needed. Me and my boyfriend have been together almost 6 years, I moved to Belgium to be with him as he is belgian and I'm english. We have a 14 month old girl together he has basically done nothing since she was born, no feeds, no wake ups or bedtimes, no taking her to nursery or picking her up, maybe 5 nappies in this whole time. That is one of my frustrations. But it's not the only reason we argue he is addicted to gaming and chooses that over us all the time, he has energy to talk to everyone online but I'm lucky if I get 10 words an evening. He thinks because we are in the same room we are spending quality time and that I'm clingy, needy and nagging because I want to spend time with him. I don't think he understands how lonely I feel. I have no one here to help me. I honestly think this is the end for me, I'm falling out if love with him I don't have the energy anymore, I just don't want to break up my family because I can't bare to spend a night away from my daughter. I don't know what to do. He says I'm being dramatic but I just feel like he is disregarding my feelings. In arguments he calls me horrible names like whore and crazy. Then he wil ignore me sometimes up to a whole week to teach me a lesson.