Help please

T • Mama to a miracle🌈 6/8/21

This may be a little long-

So my period was due to start 8/18/19. It’s now the 24th. I had two faint positive tests taken 8/21 and 8/22. Then I got a dollar store brand on 8/23 which was negative. I’ve been having period-like cramps/back pain for a few days and running a 99.° fever. Today’s day 7 late for my period and I started spotting this morning. I assumed it was my period starting but it’s like BARELY any bleeding- like one corner of the tampon has dark blood ALL DAY, almost like the end of my period. Anytime I’ve been late, which is super rare it usually comes full swing, not spotting. I’m trying to wait it out but the faint positives have me nervous. Could this just be spotting and I’m indeed pregnant? Or maybe I ovulated late and this could be implantation? Or is my cycle just wack all the sudden and my periods extra light? I just need a piece of mind so I can stop stressing until I can get to a doctor next week. Thank you for reading.