Not sure anymore 😔

My husband doesn't know I know he's been watching porn again. We been in a argument more than once because of it. In my eyes watching porn when your with someone especially married to someone is very disrespectful, and I feel it is cheating. Im not sure what to do, or how to talk to him about it. He deleted his history on his phone and tablet, he only does it when I'm not home, I'm asleep or he watches it in the bathroom at work/home. I have video evidence of the browser history and of him being on a chat site called, his tablet automatically pulled up his login information. I tried to log in but my friends wifi has that site blocked, but I could pull up porn hub on my phone with no problem just that site. He says he has nothing to hide but yet he deleted his browser history and the history in the his Google history. I feel very disrespected and I feel as if I'm not good enough for him or sexy enough for him. Yeah I get that I'm 36 weeks pregnant with our first son( his first son, my second son) and my body isn't the same as it once was. But I mean if he truly loves me, and he says he only has eyes for me. Then why does he have to go to porn/ chat sites? I trust him to the fullest but now I'm not even sure, if I should. I do love him with my all but I'm not sure how much more if him hiding things from me I can take.

(Pic is of how I found out that he's watching it again. Pulled up his browser and saw this)