Kinda nasty


So, my question is kinda nasty, but I figured there would hopefully be an answer here (NOTE: I’m a teenager, and a minor! If adults don’t want to read about a minor’s genitalia and issues, please don’t! I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable!!). I have pimples around my pubic area. I don’t have them all the time- just sometimes- and I haven’t shaved down there in ages, so I know it’s not razor bumps. Sometimes I also get “pimples” that LOOK like pimples, but they never get a whitehead. When popped, it makes a real disgusting noise, and blood comes out. I think those are just trapped blood vessels, but I’m not sure...? No pus comes out with those. Just blood and wound water.

None of the normal pimples are very big. They also don’t smell bad, which I don’t know if that’s important or not, but...?

I’m a high school student (so, pretty young), and I’m a virgin. My mother also has no history of STDs, at least not from what she’s told me. I don’t think she would keep it a secret, since she’s encouraging me to have a safe sexual life (even though I haven’t).

I’ve had pimples there before, and they went away no issue, so I’m wondering if this is maybe a hormonal thing? Or something concerning me needing to shave? I don’t know, though.

However, when I was young, I was sexually assaulted for 5 years by a man I trusted. When we went to court and they did a rape kit, I don’t know if that tests for STDs too- but I think he was clean. Note the word think.

I’m asking here before I tell my mother to take me to a doctor, because we’re on welfare, and it can take months before an appointment arrives. Also, my doctor is shit, and won’t even prescribe me birth control for cramps because she thinks I’m not responsible enough. She’s not very helpful, but she’s the only doctor for minors that’s near us, and that our healthcare covers.

Sorry for long post! I just thought I’d ask and provide some background.

If there’s questions about this I’d be very happy to answer!!!

Thank you!!!!!