Best friend strugglesss

This is gonna be long, I apologize in advance. K I’m so confused haha. So I’m 14 and my best friend is a guy, (he’s 15- Jacob) so naturally when ppl first meet us they think we r dating cause we r super close but we aren’t. I went to camp for 2 months and wasn’t able to have my sim but he wrote to me super often and we kept in touch over the summer, I got back this past Monday and ever since I feel like he’s been acting different around me. We’ve hung out every day since I got back, and Like, he’s been a lot more physical and touchy, legit hugging me every 5 seconds, today we were walking and he took my hand and started holding it, I kinda shook it off and slapped him jokingly, (Not in a mean way, in a teasing way) and he’s always complimenting me, like I died and cut my hair very differently in camp and he keeps telling me how much he loves it, (like it did make me feel good but I was just kinda confused) and idk I feel like he’s looking at me differently and treating me differently. He’s my best friend and has been since forever, and I don’t want things to change, idk if it’s weird for me to be worried abt this but I’m really worried he likes me in a more then a friend way, cause I don’t want things to change btwn us. He’s moving on Monday to the town next to ours, so I’m worried we won’t hang as much (we won’t be in the same school or in walkable distance which I’m not used to) today we went to hang out with a bunch of people at a local cafe and our friend (Mikey) who liked me for for a little while and classic me, I started catching feelings for him after he was over me so that’s great) kept making comments like “wow when did u guys upgrade” or just weird ready things cause Jacob kept running his hands thro my hair or putting his arm around my shoulder. And in the beginning we just ignored it but after a lot of comments Jacob was like “haha me and mya? (Me) never gonna happen” which thro me off and idk I’m j confused and probably over reacting. I doubt anyone read this far but if any of u did, is it weird that I hope he DOESNT have feelings for me? I just don’t want things to change. Based on what I described... is it logical for me to think he does? Ugh he’s moving so soon 😢

Thxxx ❤️❤️