Dear husband,

You are a really nice guy and that is why I married you. I saw in you the future father of my children. We have been together for 13 years, and we still have no kids. I got the ball rolling to get tested for things that could be going on, and you didn’t hold up your end of the stick. Do you not want kids as much as I do?

Well, really, I’m reaching a point where I would rather divorce you, because not only do we not have kids yet, but our sex life is mediocre to say the least. I’ve talked to you about it, but you do nothing to make it better. I have been a patient, understanding wife. But your inaction has even led me to believe there is something wrong with me, and I am in a depressed state that is even affecting my professional life.

The thoughts of cheating and finding another man are becoming more and more real. I’ve actually been doing some online chatting with strangers.. and at least they give me the validation I need to apparently stay afloat in life...the validation that I am sexy, and desirable, and doable.

I am no Miss America, but I have my charm, and think I deserve to have a healthy sexy life and children.

At this point I secretly don’t want to move forward with TTC because that would make divorce more complicated.

If sex is this bad without children, what can I expect in the future?

I’m already 36 and I think I’m calling it quits on children, and I will go and pursue the sex life I desire.

Too bad you didn’t listen each time I tried to work with you on this..