Absolutely devastated..


*UPDATE* things blew up. There is not another woman but I left him. He wasn’t hearing my needs or taking me seriously. He’s been texting me for a week now almost everyday asking how baby & I are... I haven’t returned his texts. I feel strangely stronger than ever. This baby means the world to me so I won’t live in agony anymore or stress over where he is or who he’s with.

I appreciate the advice & sympathy. Being a single mom of 2 was not my plan but it looks like it will be my journey. I’m devastated by this but also just trying to take it Day by day. 😘

My fiancé & I have been together for almost 11 years.

We got engaged July 5th & were lucky enough to find out we were pregnant on July 10th.

The last week of July he started saying he needed a little space. (We don’t live together) & asked me if I could stay home for a few nights so he could do what he needed to do when he gets off work. (I work days, he works evenings). I was understanding.

We had my first dr appt on August 2nd & saw our sweet baby & it’s heartbeat. I had never been happier.

Then the next month is pure hell.

He wants to “get his ‘single’ days out of the way” before I get big pregnant. I’m instantly hurt and confused. He claims there is no one else & that he doesn’t want anyone else. He claims he doesn’t regret the baby or asking me to marry him. He just says he needs space to hang out with his friends without me before he “loses part of his freedom”.

Weeks have gone by with him & I only seeing each other on his terms. Which has been about 8ish hours over the last month.

I started hemorrhaging about 2 weeks ago and went to the ER. He was at work so he did call & text to make sure I was okay. The last two weeks have been full of ultrasounds every 2-3 days to make sure everything is okay & he hasn’t come to one single appt since the first one.

We kept arguing about it. & things finally blew up with me telling him that I can’t do it anymore. I can’t beg him to love me or care about me. It hurts too bad & is too stressful for me and the baby to have to constantly wonder where he is or why we’re not priorities to him. I tell him that we need to just end it. I was hoping this would knock him back on track.

Instead, he replies with “if that’s what you want & will keep your negative emotions from affecting our baby.”


Now we’ve been broken up for the weekend. Haven’t heard a word from him but I know he’s gone to his fantasy football draft & hung out with friends and all.

Please please please someone tell me their boyfriend/fiancé/husband had a similar freak out.. or a midlife crisis. Or that this is normal. Does it ever get better?

I am devastated. My heart is shattered. I have loved this man for almost 11 years & I feel like I am in a nightmare.