Step-Mom Win


So we have my Husbands daughter every other week for the week. She is 9, and I have really been struggling to enforce a schedule and set responsibilities (my husband really doesn’t believe in school or teaching his child life skills or responsibilities)

This morning her mom, let’s call her, K? Called me to ask about her teachers email address and I mentioned I set her a schedule for after school, what is expected of her before she is allowed anything other than what is already set on the tv, or her phone to play on. She comes back with “do you mind sending that to me? I’d like to keep it consistent at both houses”

Like WIN

So her mom has never been all that great about initiating things in her home until we do. Which I don’t really, mind, but it’s nice that she is backing up (and sort of confirming validity) in my plans set here at this house. Most things are a struggle with my husband, but so long as I am patient with it, and child learns quickly that this will be expected of her, I shouldn’t have any issues. I just feel like it’s a win on my end because (as I feel most step mothers do) it’s hard to get support, and recognition for anything we do for the stepchild. I’m lucky enough to have a very decent relationship with her mother. And aside from telling her daughter not to act like a dick once, we’ve never had major conflicts. She’s someone I know I can reach out to at any point if I’m struggling. Hell, cut my husband out and we’d be terrific co-parents. 😂😂

Edit: I’m 21, she’s 28, he’s 28 as well.