Not crying it out help

💙 • Married, Mommy to 1 + 1 on the way 💗

For you mamas (or dadas) that didn’t let your babies cry it out, at what age did they start sleeping through the night? Our baby is 6 months and I’m in desperate need of a light at the end of the tunnel haha. Also, any tips or advice would be very helpful.

Update: I wanted to add that he started sleeping through the night at 2 weeks by himself in his bassinet and we were having to wake him for feedings originally. We would just lay him down, kiss his forehead, tell him we loved him, and turned off the lights and would go right to sleep. It wasn’t until he was 4 months that it all went out the window. But then last night he struggled for the first hour so we kept giving him cuddles and having to work with him, but then after a while he stayed asleep alone and slept 10 hours 🎉 it was amazing! Also thank you for all your great advice! You’re all so kind.