Dumbing yourself down to be “liked”/Job interviews


Does anyone else find it even slightly difficult to lower or dumb yourself down in order for people to like you? It’s beginning to affect getting hired. When you interview with your own generation it’s like you’re still all in high school and you have to play the likeability game. Which I would say it was going very well we touched many basic interview like questions, behavioral and strategic points, even had a couple laughs; after interviews I’ve read that thank you letters give your candidacy a boost, but seriously you have to pick up the vibe to see if they would even care about that, I think the thank you note gesture was too serious for them, but honestly I would’ve went above and beyond had I been hired and they know it. I feel that scared them off but me being able to pick up on things I would get along with them and keep a fun rapport/atmosphere among us, you know. It’s ridiculous, people actually would put in effort in helping you be productive and everyone needs to make a living. Needless to say I saw right through the email telling me “they chose a better qualified candidate.” I rather it have said, “we’re playing favorites and want someone we can control and isn’t as conscious!” I bet they’re still looking. To let her know I see through the act, I replied “the appreciation is mutual, have a wonderful last quarter and my best wishes for the future.”

Trying to land a job is tiresome enough, so to be turned away while you certainly are capable of bringing ambition and productivity to the table got me a little angry but I’ll charge that to the game, I don’t want to be where I’m not liked or appreciated.

Tomorrow I have an interview with actual professionals, hopefully I will shine and luck out there since I’m good at upholding professionalism.

UPDATE: I’m going to take on what you guys are saying, that I should undersell myself and then show and prove your worth when hired. It’s just a bit weird to do that when you are trying to be employed and you’ve got to follow the vibe and also put your best foot forward. You never know if someone does showcase themselves similarly as you would and get it. I don’t go in there and be an asshole, I try to warm up with them before getting serious and be relatable.

I know I probably came off begrudged, although I did pretty much stare that I would give all my efforts and my guts, nowhere did I mention that I think I’m the best possible candidate, I just didn’t believe the they went with a better qualified candidate line, because I proved I was able to do all they wanted and be capable of rolling with them. Yes it’s possible but I think they just didn’t personally like me and just used the better qualified candidate line to mask it. If that is the truth then ok that is the truth I’m not mad that there’s someone better than me, the world does not revolve around me. I def was feeling annoyed and had to let it out after so many people not believing in me when I would actually give my all. You know it could take 100 tries and few may call you back. If it’s really me I’ll work on that, if it’s the resume I’ll review it or get it checked by writers or have someone revamp it. I do get good feedback but never a hire for an office/clerical/client satisfaction based job as of late. Thank you for the responses.