Need advice - family - update


Update: the sister in law that was lashing out at others seems to be a LOT better and was definitely back to herself this past weekend when we saw her. I’m kind of hoping that means maybe she’s expecting again. If that’s the case, we’ll probably have babies within a month of each other!

Hi, everyone!

I just found out this weekend that I’m expecting baby #2, but I am having such mixed emotions. Please understand that my hubby and I are THRILLED. We tried for a year for our first, so we’re still in shock that it happened in our second month of trying for this one! Where we are struggling is with our families. We’re super close to both of our families, and our families are really close with each other. For example, our dads talk all the time, and they live in two different states!

Here’s where the issue lies. Back in June, I found out that my sister in law (my brother’s wife) was expecting their first child. No less than a week later, we found out that she had a miscarriage. It wrecked them. She was far enough along that she had to have the procedure. Well, a couple of weeks after, we find out that my other sister in law (husband’s sister) is pregnant. A week later, we also find out that SHE has had a miscarriage and had to have the procedure as well. Since all of this at the end of July, we’ve had a terrible bout of illness, injuries, surgeries, and emotions clouding judgement (one sister in law is lashing out and projecting her feelings on others, which is unlike her) among our various family members.

Since both of our families have been through SO much this summer, we are really hesitant about telling them. We are definitely going to wait until after my first ultrasound at 8 weeks, but how much longer should I wait? Both sister in laws told us around 8 weeks to then have a miscarriage and the procedure two weeks later. If you have ever been in any sort of similar situation, please pass along any advice you have. I want to tell them in a kind and gentle way, but they’re both still in mourning. I love them both so much, and I’m worried about how they will take the news.

Thanks so much, y’all! 💕