Kinda depressed lmao


So...My best friend might be switching schools. She’s looking at this college prep, but I high key really don’t want her to move. She’s not really sure if she’s going to move yet, but she just went to the school and she’s third on the waiting list. My class is super small and she’s basically the only real friend I have. I’ve been wanting to switch schools since fifth grade, but now that I’m in eighth I don’t really see the point. I might as well just stay where I am. It’s also too late for a lot of the schools to accept applications. I want to tell her to stay, but I feel like that’s selfish? She’s also been wanting to move for a while, but her parents haven’t let her until now.

Also! My ex (who I’m still friends with btw) is moving this week. I’m pretty sure he’s moving to the school that my bestie’s going too, which is cool since at least they’ll be there for each other, but I still really don’t want them to move. I’m just feeling kind of depressed about it. Anything I should do? I’m totally open for advice.