Pregnant ?


Hello haha so I had sex on the 10th and my ovulation days were 11-17. My boyfriend and I had sex and he came inside me. I don’t want to over think and start feeling things bc it’s all in my head but I wake up very sick having to go to the bathroom (#2) I Can’t even eat with out wanting to puke it all out! I’ve been very exhausted and out of no where I’m VERY WET.. also I have my nipples pierced and they normally aren’t sore/hurting but my nipples are a pain in the ass rn 🥺 I took a pregnancy test and it came out negative (I went pee in a cup and held the pregnancy test in there for 20 second but I didn’t do it right after since I was contemplating on weather or not I actually wanted to take the test so early I also started bleeding very light after taking the pregnancy test literally when I was cleaning myself. It was pinkish (August 24th) baby’s are a blessing and I’m not scared or anything just weird ass symptoms lol