Am I expecting too much

I probably am... but I’ll still rant anyways.

My friends don’t really communicate with me and it’s always because they’re busy and I get it. But at a certain point some attention from them is nice... I always see them hanging out with other friends and it makes me feel like if they can get a whole hangout can I at least get a reply on my personal snaps I send. I kind of feel like I should just forget them. They’re the type to only come back and hang when it’s convenient for them and I’m kind of tired of being the one that has to make plans, make the trip to see them etc. we’re all college students so I guess it’s valid for them to be busy.. but the whole thing of them hanging out with other friends makes me think they’re not that busy to not even reply to me ... maybe I’m just being clingy? I give them many chances and I’ve backed off with reaching out to them. It kinda just sucks knowing when you stop putting in effort, connection is lost. It kind of feels like one of those friendships.