

You’re the light at the end of the tunnel, my bad things funnel. You filter out the sad things and keep the crap things from pulling at my heart strings. The darkness creeping up not giving me a fresh start constantly ripping me apart. A shark drawn to blood, bark in the woods, a whole where you stood, all these things a guaranteed. I no longer have my trusty steed who would help me in my times of need. My rusty heart falling apart into a dusty dark abyss, it’s you I miss ,your kiss on my head as I lie in bed. Bidding you “goodbye” never again saying “hi”. Trying to move on, my past is torn. The last farewell, the need to mourn. A daughter to her father, just wishing him well, new adventures to tell when the meet again in the within.

Lost family and friends never truly gone. They’ve just moved on but still always there, in the hearts of the ones who loved them, so sad they had to part, Just waiting to hear those stories. Forever in our hearts.🖤

Poem by međź–¤