Tired of being disappointed


Me and my husband have been ttc for 3 years now. We have 3 daughters ages 7,6,4 and we have been trying to have a boy. Our first time actually trying we got pregnant instantly. Then had a horrible miscarriage at 3 1/2 months.. From then we kept trying and had 2 more miscarriages. We have seeked out further help from my obgyn done ultrasounds, bloodwork etc. and doing everything we can until we go for treatment to try to get pregnant on our own. Im currently 4 days late on my period. We havent been trying lately sense my gram who was my whole world passed away on june 7th.... I took a test yesterday just because thats how my brain works and I feel like i need to test the day of my period with just constant disappointment. I have been nauses. Sick to my stomach. Slight cramping. Swollen sore boobs. Mood swings. Emotional etc. All signs of AF and pregnancy.... I just am about ready to give up...💔💔💔😭😭