Husbands who watch porn.. why!

So my husband knows I hate him watching porn and he says he doesn’t watch it anymore. I just don’t understand why he would need it ? Our sex life is good, we do have two kids but we still make time for sex and especially at the moment since we had a miscarriage at 11 weeks - 4 weeks ago. So we are trying to conceive. Anyways I just had a feeling he had watched it & checked his history and I did a morning shift yesterday before he went to work & anyways he watched porn in the morning.. I just don’t get it ! And he won’t tell me he did it. Like it he was open about it sure ! But the whole behind my back is what I don’t like.... he knows I go on his phone I let him on mine to we have nothing to hide! I’m not really angry I’m just upset by it..... do I even have a right to feel this way?

Just makes me feel not good enough I guess?