I know I’m not the only one!


This is my first post ever in Glow...so I don’t know what much to say....

But I have been super sad....

My husband and I have been trying since January...nothing serious until about a month ago. We this month I thought it was it. I had the whole works going. Throwing up, backaches, pelvic pain, you name it it was happening to me. Nothing I have ever felt between my periods. My husband was even feeling all my symptoms....I was so excited my husband was excited. I just knew this was it. I am finally having a baby..

I should add I have never had children. I have three step children and that’s it.

I called my mom asked her questions she was convinced I might be as well... well I was five days out from my next period took a test....

Negative.....I cried more then I think I ever have. I got my hopes up big time..something I shouldn’t do next time... that very next day I started my period....I have been heartbroken.. my husband has noticed how hard it has hit me...

I just wanted to get this off my chest... I know I am not the only person in this world this has happened to but I can say I am not alone in this journey!