First month of fertility was a flop


My husband and I did our very first month of fertility and I just did my HCG level blood work and it came back not pregnant.

As the nurse told me it came back negative I kept my voice high and optimistic but as soon as she hung up I started balling.

I thought because I did everything right took all of the medication it was going to happen and I know it's silly to think the first month will work out. I know it doesn't always work that way but you just have that glimmer of hope that it'll work out for you but instead you get that phone call that breaks your heart into a million pieces.

Losing our first pregnancy to an ectopic was hard it was hard because I just found out and we got to celebrate for one day and as soon as we had it, it was gone and now that it's gone I cant seem to get the opportunity back I'm trying so hard to stay positive again.

How do you stay positive when you keep getting negatives?

Pregnancy is a hard thing and I'm not even pregnant yet...