Pcos has caused me so much pain


So i have been with my husband for going on 8 years we have been married 2 years and i have been wanting a child for years in 2016 i was told i might have pcos even though i had a regular period i have always been over weight and had hair growth and my cousin found out last year she had it so i went to the dr last week just for a checkup and was confirmed i do have pcos it has broken my heart last month i was a week late on my period which never happens i always have a normal period and so i thought i was pregnant for once so i tested and it was negative i spent days crying so when i was at the dr last week i asked if there was anything to do and she said she recommend a dye test and then they go from there only fall back and let down is i dont have INSURANCE 😭 my husbands never been checked either and she recommended that to but last week since i started my period I've been such a cry baby eveytime i think of babies i cry i cry knowing my dream of being a mom can be crushed and i might never be one 😭 i want a child so bad that the depression is killing me when i look in mirror i have hair all on my neck and just feel ugly i feel my husband doesn't even want me i stress him out so much from crying he doesn't want to have sex like i do i feel im just pushing him away... Does anyone else feel like pcos is putting them down or am i just the only one i want a baby so bad and always have i just feel its never ever going to happen i see pictures of pregnancy announcements of friends on Facebook and just cry wishing it was me...