Young mums.


*Not mine, just thought it was lovely! 🥰*

18 and pregnant.

Life sure has its way that take us down new paths that we never thought we’d travel. Teenage mother wasn’t really in my 10 year plan, but here I was pregnant with you.

Were you planned? No.

Were you wanted? Yes.

Were you loved? More than you’ll ever know.

I carried you close to me for 9 months. I felt your kicks, I felt you turn.

I was the same as the other pregnant mothers, just a little more unsure.

I wanted to find people who I could relate to, but I felt I didn’t fit into any “Groups” I learnt how to grow you, how to care for you. I read books, upon books filling my brain with as much knowledge as I could.

I was too scared to ask for help, I didn’t even know where to look. As everyone already knew I was too young to have you.

The glares I received as I waddled down the street, the whispers I could hear as I waited for the midwife appointment directed at me. They thought I was too young, without even knowing my age. They assumed I was single, without even asking me. Some people would pity me “Oh, my dear what have you done” whilst others would laugh “what a bad mistake”

Little did they know you were the best decision I had made.

Every outfit I see in photographs now – I remember buying them for you.

Every single toy I see in videos – I remember how your face looked.

You were so loved regardless of my age, being your mum was my best “worst” mistake.

For little do they know the times we laid together. I would watch you coo and you’d watch me too. Our late nights I promised you the world, Our early mornings you’d yell. Cuddles for you every day, kisses for you a million a day.

Age is a number that is true, but regardless of my age – I’m so glad I had you.
