Tough night!


I had a rough night/morning and need to vent!

My girl has been not going to sleep until about 11pm every night (pretty much up since her late afternoon nap at 4ish) no matter how hard I try. We got a 3.5 hour stretch of sleep (!!!!) and I fed her, she ate a little over 3oz, and we put her down to sleep. Unfortunately I had to stay up and pump and went back to sleep at 3:15ish (an hour after she woke up). She woke up again at 4:20 and I tried to rock her back to sleep incase she wasn’t hungry. Didn’t work. So I went out and feed her and she would only take about an ounce and a half and wide awake. I stayed up with her for another 10 min and she fussed and finally fell back asleep. Great not too bad. My husband decided she needed her diaper changed before going back in the bassinet (even tho I changed it at her last wake up 2 hours ago) and her eyes popped wide open. My husbands solution was to sleep with her on the couch and I’m trying to put my foot down about it due to safety but he doesn’t listen. He thinks I’m making the decision all on my own 🙄. So I tell him no and go rock her. Kind of worked but when I laid her back down, eyes popped wide open again. So swung her in my arms and she responds best when it’s kind of high intensity but my husband thought it was too intense so we kept arguing. By now it’s 5:00. I got her back in her bassinet asleep but im feeling anxious about how I will be lucky to get another hour of sleep tonight and I can’t go back to sleep. So I decide I might as well pump. I get up to pump and she wakes up at 530 and eats about 2.5-3 oz. my husband is also up for work so he gets around. Shes ready to go back to sleep around 615, so we head on back to take a nap. She wakes up again at 7, eats an ounce, goes back to sleep. I put her in the bassinet and go back to sleep too. She wakes up by 745 and cries and cries. I try to feed her but she doesn’t want anything but is basically inconsolable. It becomes obvious she’s having gas issues so I try bicycle legs and gas drops and it kind of works but I end up having to hold her the rest of the morning. it’s been such a tough night and morning I just feel a tension between her and I. Its a rough day.