Feeling hopeless and unheard


I'm writing this as I'm leaving my OBs office. I have a very stressful job as I support people who have disabilities and in my particular position the people I support not only have disabilities but also suffer from addiction, mental health problems, poverty and association with gangs. I am consistently berated and exposed to violence , anger, harassment and physical trials. Every week during my pregnancy it has been harder and harder for me to cope with. I come home in agony from my back hips feet and when I tell a client that I will not lift or do anything beyond strenuous they not only make fun of me but i am belittled " blag blah blah pregnant". I have missed multiple days of work due to nausea and pain and dizziness. When I tell the OB the nature of my job and the extent on my symptoms he just throws more meds at me. I dont feel heard I am struggling every single day and I dont know how to continue working or what to do beyond this because I cannot go without a pay but the stress is talking a huge toll on me physically and mentally. I am sorry for the rant I just needed to confide in someone